Important Update: Altumea Suspends the Token Sale Campaign Read More
A decentralized platform connecting researchers, artists, and engineers looking to buy processing power for high-performance computing, deep learning, and AI with GPU owners.
Pre-sale Token Sale End of Sale
  • Feb 18
  • Apr 18
  • Apr 28

Altumea enables GPU owners to sell extra computing power to those who need to make large-scale calculations: artists, engineers, researchers.

Buyers can buy GPU computing power straight from miners, gamers, and regular GPU owners with cryptocurrencies. Altumea gives users access to the almost limitless computing power held by millions of GPU owners.

With 25% Pre-Sale Bonus
As seen on
Modern GPUs are supercomputers
GPUs are highly specialized parallel computing units. They are capable of performing complex calculations with incredible efficiency. While not as powerful as CPUs in sequential processes, GPUs are unrivalled when it comes to performing thousands of operations at the same time. Such calculations are essential for today technologies: machine and deep learning, DSP scientific and statistical computing, and many other complex tasks.
Earn by renting your GPU for DNA research
With Altumea, anyone who has a modern graphics processing unit can rent it out and make money by allowing engineers, scientists, and artists to use its computing powers for important complex calculations. Earn without mining by renting your GPU to DNA researchers or physicists. Alternately you can trade through Bitcoin bank plattform and earn daily profit.
Unlimited source of computing power
The demand for cloud computing keeps growing. On the other hand, there are millions of miners and gamers that have GPUs. That means almost unlimited power to perform the most complex tasks like grid computing, fluid dynamics, cryptanalysis, and many others. Altumea enables you to create an offer, get a necessary pool of GPU power, and then reward people with cryptocurrency on your chosen exchange. An extremely popular cryptoexchange among our users is Bitcoin pro. You can read the excellent Bitcoin pro review at Inside Bitcoins.
Take advantage of the distributed network
Altumea’s distributed supply-and-demand marketplace is backed by a blockchain reputation ledger. It provides flexibility and stability that continually improve with network growth. Moreover, the network’s resources are almost unlimited, while scale, pricing, and reputation are managed by the community. No more monopoly of a supplier or a group of service providers.
Anyone can join!
Miners, gamers, and other owners of modern graphics units can connect to the platform and start renting their computing powers to help others do their job. Anyone who needs to make calculations can get power quick and easy.
Use cases
  • Cryptanalysis GPUs are best for solving tasks that require applying mathematical operations to massive swaths of data.
  • AI Using the stream programming model as well as resources provided by graphics hardware, Artificial Intelligence algorithms can be parallelized and thereby computing-accelerated.
  • Deep learning Deep learning involves a huge amount of matrix multiplications and other operations which can be parallelized and efficiently computed with GPUs enmasse.
  • High-performance computing With thousands of computational cores and 10-100x application throughput compared to CPUs alone, GPUs have become the processor of choice for researchers working with big data.
  • Statistical computations GPU is a processor with thousands of cores capable of performing millions of mathematical operations simultaneously, which dramatically speeds up calculations involving a massive amount of data.
  • 3D and 2D-rendering GPUs were designed to handle rendering operations in parallel unlike a single core CPU that would handle rendering tasks in serial form by processing one element at a time.

As time goes on, researchers, engineers, and artists need more and more computing power. AI, machine learning, rendering, scientific calculations, decentralized apps; you need more power for all of these. Altumea gives you access to the almost limitless computing power held by millions of GPU owners. Be among the first to get the scoop and don’t miss out!

  • 2017
    • Team building

    • Seed round completed. Work started

  • 2018
    • Token Sale Campaign

    • Distributed CUDA calculation prototype

    • Distributed data transfer processing

    • Market protocol, blockchain integration prototype and test

  • 2019
    • Computation consensus validation system

    • Blockchain based reputation ledger prototype

    • Alpha launch

    • Distributed OpenCL calculation prototype, deep learning tools

  • 2020
    • Reputation ledger and market protocol actualization and beta launch

    • Advanced node protocol actualization and beta launch

    • DApps integration use cases

    • Release launch

Core Team

Meet the visionaries and inspired professionals working behind the scenes of the Altumea platform.

  • Andrey Nikolov CEO
  • Delyan Keremedchiev CTO
  • Dmitriy Androsov Lead developer
  • Anna Ofii GPU computation specialist
  • Olena Rudenko PR & communications
  • Helen Khomchuk Community manager
  • Ivo Valentinov Adviser

Stay up to date with the latest news about Altumea and publications by our team.